Explanation of the battle system

Short answer: Like Wizard101.

Long answer: (ripped straight from that game) In that game, you play spells from cards in your hand. They can cost a certain number of pips, so you can't simply spam a high-powered attack multiple times. How do you deal with bosses with five to ten times your health?

Let's say you have 6 pips (for the time being, you get 1 per turn) and decide to use a Judgement (100 damage per pip; nice figure so I'll use that). Obviously you deal 600 damage to the enemy.

What if you casted a Balanceblade (+25% to any attack) right before that? Instead of 600 damage, you inflict (600) (1.25) = 750 damage.

What if you casted two? Still 750 damage, because the same buff doesn't stack.

Now what if you have a Balanceblade but also a charm from Bladestorm (+20% to all allies)? You'd think it would be (600) (1.45), but it's instead (600) (1.25) (1.2) = 900 damage.

Now what if you have those two buffs, plus Lifeblade (+40% damage to Life attacks), plus Spirit Blade (+35% to Life/Myth/Death). An attack that would usually deal 800 damage would here deal (800) (1.25) (1.2) (1.4) (1.35) = 2268 damage.

Keep going and you see how many players reach 1 million.

And an additional note: the game that I am developing is top-down and text-based (explaining the questions about the terminal). It's also singleplayer.

Edit: I didn't say it was easy to get 1M; just that it was possible.


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